Introduction to HTML Accolades

[Contents] [Index]

Since its debut, Introduction to HTML has garned a good deal of praise from publications, organizations, and users alike. Frankly, I've been a little surprised.

This page includes a small selection of comments and reviews of this tutorial. I've created the page for two reasons: the first is so that prospective readers can get an idea of what others have said about this tutorial, and the second is a desire to brag a little. Hey, I'm human.

Last updated: 24 April 1997

Reviewers have said...

The Best Mac Web Sites, August 1996 issue

"For .... specific information on Web publishing, you can't go wrong at .... .... Case Western's Introduction to HTML covers everything from tags and text structures to anchors and images."
-- Excerpted from the on-line article
Point Communications Corp.
"Top 5% of the Web" Award and inclusion in The World Wide Web Top 1000

"No fancy stuff; just the basics that every college student or Net beginner will need to prepare a first Web page. It's well-organized, and the outline format is handy for quick reference ..... Sure, you can buy a book or an HTML authoring program, but why pay the money when this is free for the reading?"
-- Excerpted from the on-line review
The Mining Company

"The most basic, and friendliest, guide around."
-- From the Personal Web Pages Internet Resources page
America Online's Webdiner
"Blue Plate Special" for Thursday, 29 August 1996

"This excellent HTML tutorial exploits the advantages of the hyper-text medium to create a really effective learning environment."
-- Excerpted from the August Blue Plate Specials
Funky Rating: [out of five, presumably. -E.]

"The tutorial opens with the motto: "Trust us: it's cool". For once the boast seems almost appropriate. This tutorial covers the basics .... The lessons are thorough with lots of practical examples .... Verdict: This tutorial makes the grade."
-- Excerpted from i-net's Site Guide
Overall Rating:

"Take this online tutorial for a manageable introduction to HTML that even an impatient technophobe can understand."
-- Excerpted from the on-line review
The Art of HTML
Overall Rating: Five out of five

"This superb interactive tutorial.... is a great place to start your HTML 101 education.... The language is friendly, and the pages are well laid out. The interactive quizzes are a neat touch. Highly recommended."
-- Excerpted from the on-line review
Newspaper column by Timothy D. Smith

"Jammed with info and presented in a manner that you wouldn't normally associate with CWRU-- the site is non-collegiate user-friendly-- Meyer's 'Introduction to HTML' serves almost every need you might have."
-- Cleveland Free Times, 14 August 1996 (p.16)
Miscellaneous Awards and References

Bizbilder's Red Brick Pick of the Week, 7 March 1997
The Online Classroom, 2nd Edition by Eileen Cotton (EDINFO Press, 1997)
PC World: "Web Publishing Made Easier" (November 1996 issue)
WebWorld (November 1996 issue)
IEC Corp. "NetGiver" Award, 30 September 1996
PCWeek: "PCWeek Navigator" (July 29, 1996 issue)
ComputerWorld: "How to create a Web site" (June 24, 1996 issue)

Readers have said...

"Overall, wonderful job! This is the best HTML tutorial I've seen anywhere on the net."
-- Gerald Oskoboiny, HTML Writers Guild
" have provided one of the clearest and easiest tutorials I have ever seen. It took me no time at all to follow it. I certainly will give credit to you anytime I speak to students of HTML."
-- Dennis Bialaszewski, PhD., Indiana State University
"I really appreciated your tutorial. I've been in the IT field since 1962 and this is without a doubt the best technology explanation I have ever seen."
-- Gary Rosensteel
"Just finished your HTML tutorial and wanted to say thanks for such an informative and useful URL.... Congrats on the Top 5% award, you earned it!"
-- Phil Blais, Senior Engineer, ITT Industries
"I am about as computer illiterate as a person can possibly be, and I found this guide absolutely incredible. I have looked all over the place trying to find something I could understand and would actually help.... In less than 2 hours I had read through everything, and actually understood it!"
-- Kendall Stewart-Meno
"I am a technophobe and I could still understand it."
-- Cameron Ely
"Absolutely terrific tutorial. I haven't seen anything else that explains things so clearly and simply.... I really feel like I learned a lot in a brief time."
-- Gary Kiefer
"It is great! It is just long enough and detailed enough so that you get a good sense of HTMLing before your brain overloads. Well done."
-- Jan Murphy
"I've read books, surfed the Web and listened to experts. But I didn't really get it until I stumbled on your site. Taking the quizzes and doing the exercises really made a difference. Thanks!"
-- Jim Burns
"I enjoyed your [tutorial] so much. It was informative, inspiring, and humorous."
-- Craig Barr
"Your tutorial is excellent .... Very clear. Concise. Precise. Strunk & White would be proud."
-- Cendra Lynn
"[The] friendly, light-hearted approach took away the fear of approaching something new."
-- Kate Klema
"Best thing on the Internet. Truly the Website of the Gods."
-- Chris Rohde
"This web-site is exactly what I was looking for: a layman's guide to getting started in HTML. Surprisingly easy to understand. Excellent work."
-- Ken Ryzner
"Great Site! I was very impressed with this site over all the other similar sites because everything was in plain english. As someone just getting started on HTML, this was a fantastic starting point."
-- Bill Raymond
"I must say, I am very impressed. I'm a Ph.D. student in English, so pay a lot of attention to clarity of language-- thank you for doing a good job explaining what can be complicated material."
-- Beth Tollers
"I have been researching HTML tutorials for some months in preparation for my own courses on the subject, and this is the first one that has used language I could relate to."
-- Tanya Yatzeck
"They do say that electronic media can never completely eliminate the need for hard copy material but please accept my sincere congratulations: You actually came quite close to it."
-- Sumeet Bansal
"It's WEB-O-RIFFIC!!!!"
-- Dave

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