#!/usr/bin/perl # Name: pickurl.pl # Purpose: This is a cgi script which sends a user to # a new URL based on their choice from a input selection # # Usage: This script is portable. You can use this with # any web page that sets up the input selections as # below. This script is not specific to any particular # page. # # The URLs you want the user to go to must be passed as # values from the HTML. In order to do this, the HTML # author must include the appropriate URLs as the values # for the selection options. # # NOTE: Absolute pathnames must be used, not just # foo.html, but rather http://www.bar.com/foo.html # # Example: I want to offer a pull-down menu selection of # pages that a user can jump to. The pages are titled # Moe's Home Page, Larry's Home Page and Curly's Home # Page. The actual HTML filenames are moe.html and so on, # and they are in the home directory # (i.e. http://www.stooges.com/*). Sooooo, our HTML should # look like this: # #
# # #
# # Note that for the SELECT tag, the NAME must be "user_options" # # And it's as easy as that! # # # More Details: Ok, it's not *quite* as easy as that.... # # 1) Make sure the correct perl pathway is in the first line # of the script # # 2) You might need to change extension on this script from # ".pl" to ".cgi", depending on your server's configuration. # # 3) Also, you might need to place this script in your # bin or cgi-bin directory, depending upon on your server's # configuration. # # 4) If you place this script in a directory other than the # one where the HTML file is, you need to include the correct # pathname in the HTML form. Thus, if the script resides in # a cgi-bin directory, instead of ACTION="pickurl.pl", you'd # write ACTION="http://www.stooges.com/cgi-bin/pickurl.pl" # # 5) Most likely, you can ask for help from the person(s) # that set up and/or manages the web server software; they # can help you figure out your specific situation. # # 6) Think good thoughts. It can't hurt. # # # # Script created by: # Imagesmith # http://www.imagesmith.com/imagesmith/ # imagesmith@slugs.com # # # check and see if the POST method was used. If so, # things should be dandy. We get the info from the # cgi standard input; if not we burp and error if ($ENV{"REQUEST_METHOD"} eq "POST") { # read the input off of standard input read(STDIN, $data, $ENV{"CONTENT_LENGTH"}); # using parseform, place values into associative # array with variables as keys and values (i.e. the URL) # as...values %form_values = &parseform($data); } else { print "Content-Type: text/html\n"; print "\n"; print (<<"BadResponse" Form Error!


You have encountered an error!

Please return to the previous page and try again, or contact the administrator of the site.

Good luck! BadResponse ); exit; }; # These next lines are for debugging # # print "Content-Type: text/html\n"; # print "\n"; # print "The value of the data is $data.\n"; # print "The url to be returned is $form_values{user_options}"; # # # Based on the user's choice, return a URL # if ($form_values{user_options}) { print "Location: $form_values{user_options}\n\n"; } else { print "Content-Type: text/html\n"; print "\n"; print (<<"BadResponse" Form Error!


You have encountered an error!

Please return to the previous page and try again, or contact the administrator of the site.

Good luck! BadResponse ); exit; }; exit; # This subroutine takes a url-encoded string and # turns it into an associative array. sub parseform { local($formthing) = @_; # Expects something like: # foo=wow%21&bar=hello&baz=blah # Split the string into each of the key-value pairs (@fields) = split('&', $formthing); # For each of these key-value pairs, decode the value for $field (@fields) { # Split the key-value pair on the equal sign. ($name, $value) = split('=', $field); # Change all plus signs to spaces. This is an # remnant of ISINDEX $value =~ y/\+/ /; # Decode the value & removes % escapes. $value =~ s/%([\da-f]{1,2})/pack(C,hex($1))/eig; # Create the appropriate entry in the # associative array lookup if(defined $lookup{$name}) { # If there are multiple values, separate # them by newlines $lookup{$name} .= "\n".$value; } else { $lookup{$name} = $value; } } # Return the associative array %lookup; }