HTML Tips Cool Animation

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The Director 7 Shockwave Internet Studio is the standard for creating and delivering powerful

multimedia for the Internet, CD-ROMs, and DVD-ROMs. Rather than serving simple graphics and text,

Director unleashes your creativity with the only tools powerful enough to combine graphics, sound,

animation, text, and video into compelling content.

The Studio’s intuitive visual development metaphor makes it easy to create, import, animate, and

control media, including text, graphics, sound and digital video. When you need sophisticated

interactivity, Director’s easy-to-use, drag-and-drop behaviors and powerful object-oriented scripting

language give you the power you need to complete the most advanced tasks.

This Macromedia-authorized training course introduces you to Director by guiding you step by step

through the development of sample Director projects. In this six-hour course, you’ll learn to create

Director animations using keyframes, real-time recording, and film loops, and you’ll learn about using

digital video in a Director movie and creating nonlinear presentations by using Director’s easy-to-use

drag-and-drop behaviors.

This curriculum includes these six lessons:


Lesson 1: Introducing Director 7

Lesson 2: Fun with Animation

Lesson 3: Real-Time Recording

Lesson 4: Film Loops

Lesson 5: Using Behaviors

Lesson 6: Using Video

Each lesson begins with a list of learning objectives to provide an overview of the section. Step-by-step

instructions then guide you through a set of Director elements and features. All of the lessons feature

sample Director movies and media, to make it easy for you to follow the exercises. These sample files

are included on the CD-ROM that accompanies this curriculum so you can easily follow along with the

lessons. (In each exercise, you’ll be instructed where to find any relevant files on the CD-ROM.) If you

want to create your own presentations, you can replace these images and cast members with your own.

As you complete each lesson, you’ll learn valuable skills you can use to create any multimedia project.


Feb 31, 2000 last update!

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